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Fight N Rage How to Get a Black Belt

Burning Brawl!

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Welcome to Episode Nine of Angel's Assist Trophies! The only series on SUA that transforms some of the craziest characters into a functioning Assist Trophy! For Episode Nine, I've decided to create all Three Protagonist from Fight N' Rage into Assist Trophies! Fight N' Rage is probably my favorite Beat Em' Up Videogame of all time, so I'm more than dedicated to making sure that they're transition into Smash Ultimate is the best it possibly can be! Don't judge these Fighters by their looks alone, because they can be very dangerous when they enter the Fighting Ring! Be sure to get your Boxing Gloves ready because a StreetFight is starting up!


Table Of Contents

Fight N' Rage?


F. Norris?


The Boss?!



Fight N' Rage?

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Fight'N Rage is a brand new old-school side-scroller beat'em up. Inspired by the classics from the "golden age", and with an art style that mimics the aesthetic from the 90's arcade gems, this game pays homage to all classic gameplay features that makes this genre one of the best from its time! Throughout the Story Mode of Fight N' Rage, you play throughout the Events of one of the three Protagonist. Whether you choose to fight as Gal, a quick lass with low damage output, F. Norris, a balanced Fighter with medium speed, or Ricardo. a powerful Minotaur with high damage output but slow speed! You will fight your way through large waves of Enemies, from giant Cheetah Wrestlers to Girls with dangerous whips! Will you make it to the General's Fortress and save the Planet from certain destruction?

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Fight N' Rage has many other Features that will surely give you Hours and Hours of Gameplay! Within the Story Mode, there any multiple Endings that you can complete! Who will Survive or Die depends on your Actions! Saving certain NPC's may be beneficial to your Journey! Throughout the Story Mode, you will gather Golden Tokens that you may spend to unlock new Modes and Costumes for the Three Protagonists! However, you must clear certain conditions before you'll be able to Purchase certain Costumes and Modes! These conditions range from clearing the Story Mode without dying, Gaining an S Rank on Time Trials, or Earning a Black Belt in the Training Mode! Fight courageously and these Rewards can be yours!

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Gal is the quickest character on the roster. She has the shortest reach and weakest damage, but her ability to get in an enemy's face is where her strength lies. Aside from her amazing agility, Gal's throws and SP attacks allow her to control mobs better than anyone else. Another con to playing Gal is that she has low health, which makes playing her recklessly can be disasterous for the unexprienced player. A Gal player can become easily overwhelmed by enemies if they aren't paying attention. Gal has some of the longest combos in the game, but many of them require a high level of execution skill. Most beginners should be able cancel a chain combo into run knee, but things get complex when you start linking a flying knee/kick combo from the fourth hit of her combo. Some air combos require specific positioning in order to be pulled off.

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When Gal is summoned as an Assist Trophy in Smash Ultimate, she will begin Attacking every Opponent around! Staying true to her Abilities in Fight N' Rage, she will be very fast in speed, but severely low Damage Output! Some of her Signature Abilities include Rising Knee, Reverse Dart Kick, and Lightning Stomp! However, despite her low Damage Output, Gal will be a huge threat to Opponents if they don't pay attention to her positioning! Finally, Gal may also appear wearing one of her multiple Alternate Costumes from Fight N' Rage! From her Ninja Alt to her Training Uniform, Gal will always be ready to kick some ass in style!

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F. Norris

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F. Norris is the thing Fight N' Rage has to an average characer although he's still a bit on the quick side. Sporting slightly longer reach and damage than Gal, Norris is the character of choice for those who may not find Gal's gameplay rewarding enough. Although he might be stronger, Norris isn't as good at handling a crowd as Gal. 100 Fists is a good way to group enemies in front and slightly behind. His Tsunami kick retains momentum is also a nice way to hit mobs if you precede it with a slide attack or Rain Kick, and it can hit grounded enemies if you use it mid-air Norris's main skill is his slide kick. It's a good way to begin, end, and extend combos. On hit you can cancel out of the dash attack with another dash for combos or for safety. The dash can also be stopped early if you hit back while dashing. If you time it right the slide kick can go under attacks like the bison punch or Boss' machine gun.

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When F. Norris is summoned as an Assist Trophy in Smash Ultimate, he will immediately hop onto the Stage with his Signature Ability, Side Kick! However, Unlike Gal, he'll also be Fighting a couple of the General's Goons! Once F. Norris has defeated a Goon, he may pick them up and hurl them at your Opponent! Multiple different Species of the Goons may appear! Such as Pugicat, Biker rats, Tsong-Doo, and finally, Tracy! There are many other Goon's that may join the Brawl, but we'll get around to talking about them later in the Blog! Anyway, out of the Three Protagonist that may be summoned in Smash Ultimate, F.Norris is certainly the most dependable and balanced Character out of them all! Just be care not to get any Blood on your Outfit!

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I know that I've already talked about F. Norris quite heavily, but I would like to quickly point out the fact that F. Norris may appear in different Alternate Costumes, similar to Gal! Out of the Three Protagonist in Fight N' Rage, F. Norris probably has some of the most stylish Alternate Costumes available! I'll display and discuss all of the potential Alternate Costumes later in this Blog, but just remember that all Three Protagonist may appear On-Stage in style, ready to kick the tail off whoever stands in their way! Or in this particular case... Your way!

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Ricardo is the complete opposite of Gal. He's strong, slow, sports the shortest combos, and is probably the overall worst at managing mobs. The good news is that while Gal best suited for pros. Ricardo is almost braindead to use as a character, especially on normal difficulty or lower. Ricardo also has the best knockdown skill in the game. Moves like his uppercut and spinning lariat allow him to position himself on the screen optimally while his foes are floating around the screen. Tauro Uppercut alone is a great move to set up a juggle combo for yourself or a friend. Another thing to remeber about Ricardo is that he technically only has one grab, but it's the only one he needs. It allows him to give enemies a hard knockdown, and the jumping variation is a nice way to position yourself or smash up mobs. He has the strongest grab strength so enemies barely break his grabs.

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When Ricardo is summoned as an Assist Trophy in Smash Ultimate, he may immediately begin Attacking with his Signature Ability, Spinning Lariat! As I stated above, Ricardo is a Heavy Hitting, Slow Movement Character. This kind of Stats may make Ricardo seem rather weak, especially within Smash Ultimate's normally high mobility. However, Ricardo would actually be the most dangerous of the Three Protagonist! You see, Ricardo has a lot of dangerous and deadly Grabs within his Moveset from Fight N' Rage! These Grab Attacks are Body Slam, Reverse Body Slam, and Finally, Flying Body Slam! These Grab Attacks easily TKO most Goon's in Fight N' Rage, so these Grabs could easily deal upward to 40% Damage in Smash Ultimate!

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Similar to Gal and F. Norris, Ricardo may also have some of the General's Goon's pay him a visit on the Battlefield! However, Only one Heavyweight Type Goon will make an appearance! This Enemy is none other than Servant! We'll talk about him later down the line, but remember that your Opponents will be quivering in fear of the sight of Ricardo! Anyway, Ricardo may appear in Alternate Costumes similar to Gal and F. Norris! Personally, I believe that Ricardo has some of the most badass Alternate Costumes in Fight N' Rage! That's just my opinion though! Even Mutants have to duke it out in style, correct? Now that we've talked about the Three Protagonist, we have one final Challenger making an appearance as an Assist Trophy!

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The Boss?!

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What?! Protagonist aren't Hero's if they don't have an Antagonist to deal with now are they?! Anyway, The Boss comes equipped with a big, mean, heavy artillery machine gun that, depending on The Bosses attitude, either shoots in short bursts or fires at an insane rate. He can bash you in the face with his gun, and he will break out of any Throw you perform on him. The trick to fighting the Boss is recognizing where he's going to land when he jumps, and avoiding his gun fire. Eventually, he will land right next to you, and that's when you stirke. Hit him hard. Make every hit count. Another way to fight the Boss is to widdle away his goons. They can be annoying during the fight, and if you get rid of them, eventually all that will remain is you and the Boss, so you can take all the sweet, precious time you want to savor your victory on him. This does mean you can't be as aggressive/haphazard like because there's no meat shields to protect you from his machine gun fire. The Boss also don't do well against aerial attacks, as long as you get him when he's reloading or already firing. If you get him when he isn't, he'll jump backwards and shoot you down.

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Remember how the Protagonist's have the ability to have some of the General's Goon's appear on the Battlefield? Well, The Boss can not only summon any of his Goon's at any given time, he can also summon Boss Battles from Fight N' Rage! A few examples of these Boss Fights are Diane, Attary, Tracy & General Tiger, and Minotauro! There are many more different and unique Boss Battles that The Boss may summon in Battle in Smash Ultimate, but I'll discuss all of those in full detail later!


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That concludes Episode Nine of Angel's Assist Trophies! Making this Episode was very special to me and truly an honor to create! Fight N' Rage is truly a Diamond In A Rough, and representing Fight N' Rage and even imagining the Characters from the Game making an appearance in Smash Ultimate would truly be amazing! Fight N' Rage is based of the previous Beat Em' Up Games that came before it, such as Golden Age and Streets Of Rage! I personally never played those Games, but thanks to Fight N' Rage giving me an excellent introduction to the Genre, I may just give them a Chance sometime in the future! I could talk about Fight N' Rage until I literally turned blue, so I'll just stop right there! Don't want to talk about any Spoilers now would I?!

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However, as you may have potentially noticed throughout the Blog, I continue to mention The Bosses various Minions, correct? Due to technical limitations of Amino's Blog Creation, I'll be discussing each Goon in a separate Blog! If you're curious to learn more about these Goon's Attack Patterns and Designs, please check out Part 2 of Episode Nine of Angel's Aspiring Fighters! I promise that you won't be disappointed! As soon as the Blog releases, a Link will appear here that'll take you to it! Thanks for understanding, and I'll see you next time!

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Fight N Rage How to Get a Black Belt
