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But Man Is Not Destined to Vanish Reading Comprehension Question

Passage Based Inferential Reasoning Questions for CLAT

Passage Based Inferential Reasoning Questions for CLAT

Read the Passage advisedly and answer the post-obit questions.


Human being is not destined to vanish. He tin can be killed, but he cannot be destroyed, because his soul is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible. Therefore, though the state of affairs seems night in the context of the confrontation between the super-powers, the silver lining is provided by the amazing phenomenon that the very nations which accept spent incalculable resources and energy for the production of mortiferous weapons are desperately trying to find out how they might never be used. They threaten each other, intimidate each other and go to the brink, merely before the fatal hour arrives, they withdraw from the brink.

1. Which of the following correctly communicates the writer's view?

  • Huge stockpiles of destructive weapons have so far saved flesh from a catastrophe.

  • Mankind is heading towards complete destruction.

  • Nations in possession of huge stockpiles of lethal weapons are trying difficult to avert actual conflict.

  • Super - powers have at least realized the demand for abandoning the production of lethal weapons.

two. 'Irrepressible' in the second sentence means

  • unrestrainable

  • oppressive

  • stiff

  • incompatible

3. The phrase 'no to the brink' ways

  • declare war on each other

  • negotiate for peace

  • retreating from farthermost danger

  • advancing to the stage of war

4. The author observe that

  • man'southward destiny is non fully clear or visible.

  • human's safety is bodacious by the delicate balance of ability in terms of nuclear weapons.

  • homo society will survive despite the serious threat of total annihilation

  • homo's soul and spirit cannot be destroyed even by the super powers

5. The theme of the to a higher place passage is

  • mounting toll of modern weapons

  • man's desire to survive inhibits the utilise of deadly weapons.

  • threats and intimidation betwixt super-powers

  • destruction of mankind is inevitable.

(Directions for Ques. 6 – 10):​​ Read the following passage carefully and and so respond the questions in the form of conclusions/inference based on the passage .

Mark your answer every bit :

  • ​​ If the determination is in definitely true

  • ​​ If the conclusion is probably truthful

  • If the information is inadequate ​​ to answer

  • If the conclusion is probably false

  • If the conclusion is definitely false

Passage Ii

​​ Today'southward​​ ​​ youth is mentally depressed. Today'south youth is worried virtually its future. So that it is suffering from mental and concrete diseases. Information technology might affect in next generation. Our society and government can exist its reason. Today that unemployed man is treated inferior by the society. Utilize age is adversely being affected because of mental force per unit area .

  • The historic period of today's youth is decreasing .

  • The force per unit area of order is depressing the youth mentally .

  • Government is worried most the hereafter of youth .

  • The reason for depression ​​ in ​​ Youth is unemployment.

  • The conclusion of government is affecting the youth future .

Answer key

Ans.1 - c. Nations in possession of huge stockpiles of Lethal weapons are trying hard to avoid actual disharmonize.

Ans.2 - a. Unrestrainable

Ans.iii - d. The phrase "go to the brink" means advancing the stage of State of war.

Ans.four - c. The author opens that human gild will survive despite the serious threat of total annihilation.

Ans.5 - b. The theme of the higher up passage is the man want to survive inhibits of deadly weapons.

Ans.6 – a. Definitely true.​​ In the second line of the passage it is conspicuously described . – a. Determination is definitely truthful as it is mentioned in the passage.

Ans.eight –c Information inadequate. Non mentioned in passage.

Ans.9 – a. It is ​​ Definitely truthful.​​ In the passage it is ​​ clearly described in very first statement.

Ans.10 –east. The conclusion is definitely false as information technology contradicts to the passage.

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